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BOB SPORTS|Waymo自动驾驶汽车测试新业务 接送沃尔玛购物客户

作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站时间:2024-10-07 17:34 次浏览


Googles sister-company Waymo has announced a trial in which its self-driving cars will ferry shoppers to and from a nearby Wa...

本文摘要:Googles sister-company Waymo has announced a trial in which its self-driving cars will ferry shoppers to and from a nearby Walmart store to pick up their groceries.日前,谷歌的姐妹公司Waymo对外发布了一项测试,即自己旗下的自动驾驶汽车将在附近的沃尔玛商店对购物顾客展开乘坐。

Googles sister-company Waymo has announced a trial in which its self-driving cars will ferry shoppers to and from a nearby Walmart store to pick up their groceries.日前,谷歌的姐妹公司Waymo对外发布了一项测试,即自己旗下的自动驾驶汽车将在附近的沃尔玛商店对购物顾客展开乘坐。For now, the pilot is being restricted to 400-plus members of its early rider programme in Phoenix, Arizona.目前这个试点项目仅限于在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市参与过早期驾驶员试验的四百多位成员。However, it indicates how the tech giant thinks the autonomous vehicles could be deployed if and when they exit the experimental stage.尽管如此,本项测试一定程度上指出了这家科技公司对自动驾驶该以何种方式投放市场、何时需要已完成实验阶段的点子。

One expert said cost would be key.专家称之为,成本是问题关键。The only word on pricing so far is a promise to offer participants discounts when they order goods via Walmarts Online Grocery Pickup service as part of the deal.目前为止,价格方面的信息仅有一项允诺:通过沃尔玛在线商店服务下单的顾客将享用乘车优惠。

If this is rolled out properly you would expect there to be a reasonably high threshold in terms of the price and spend commitment to justify the service, commented Julie Palmer, a retail expert at the consultancy Begbies Traynor.咨询机构贝格比斯·兹雷诺的零售专家朱莉·帕尔默评论道:“如果发售得宜,为反映这一服务,你可以想象出有在价格和开支方面可能会非常低。”Youd expect it to be limited to shoppers buying higher value items.“这项服务也有可能仅限于出售高价商品的消费者。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS

